Clothes padding

Going out padded

Has anyone gone out padded?

I have went out once with a padded belly and I felt more comfortable since we have a mask mandate. I’m hoping to try again soon.
4 years

Going out padded

I have been out padded a few times. It's best for me I the fall and winter months at night to keep from getting overheated in my fat suit.
4 years

Going out padded

I went through my favorite drive thru last night in padding. it felt so amazing.
4 years

Going out padded

A week ago i started to have some free time to pad again and started to experiment with things i had on hand. Luckily my GF's clothes are nice and big. So over the days i got to a suit that feeled good to go out in. A few days ago i remained alone at home so i got the suit on, ate a bit and then went out to a walk, i was so confident in this makeshift suit that i did something i never do, go out in broad daylight. It was a nice walk. I went to a kids playground nearby, unfortunatly didn't get to use the swings or the big tube slide because an old man came with his grandcildren. So i decided to walk along the river pass it on a bridge and come back home on the other side. While walking a few people stared at me, there was a lady with a small child something like 2-3 years old, when i was going towards them she took the child close to her and wisperd something, i am curious what did she say. When i got home i realised the mistake i made, the padding soaked my sweat, i dismantled the suit and put the blankets and the pillow spread out on the bed without the casings, took evrything and put them in the washing machine. When my GF came home i told her i spilled some water on the bed in case the blankets were stil wet.
Good day. I need something to keep the sweat away from the padding.
4 years

Going out padded

I haven't padded to go out in quite awhile. I did it once a few years ago. I padded my butt, which is pretty large anyway and some under my belt. I did see some whispers when I went past some girls sitting near the window of a restaurant. I have put on over twenty pounds since then and now I don't feel the need to pad much, since I'm getting fat.
4 years

Going out padded

Recently I stayed home alone during the mornings because I got a few days of sickness leave from work. 3 out of the 4 days I padded up and every day I went out during the 7:30-9:30 time interval. First day I got out I visited a house supplies & clothes shop nearby just to admire myself in the changing room mirrors because I don't have any full-length mirrors anymore. No one seemed to acknowledge that something was up. The second day I got out for a walk. I walked a few blocks away and back nothing really intresting happened. The usual some cars going slow when passing near me to see better. At one point a woman got down from the side walk in advance to make room for me and that was all that day. The last day I wanted to go to the shop from the first day to try on some clothes but unfortunately it was closed, so I decided to go to the supermarket next door and look around a bit and buy some junk food.
In all 3 days people didn't seem to care about the strange fat woman that probably seemsed a bit obvious it was just someone in a pillow and blanket suit.
If any of you are afraid of going out because someone might notice you, just go out people have their own stuff to do and don't care about you, just look out for people you know and hide your face when you see them they would never think it's you.
3 years

Going out padded

The only thig missing s a feeder and a buffet....
3 years

Going out padded

Has anyone gone out padded?

I have went out once with a padded belly and I felt more comfortable since we have a mask mandate. I’m hoping to try again soon.

I used to do that in my early teens but once I got to college and played football; the fatness compounded for real not just in a fat suit. 🐽🐽🐽🐽
1 year

Going out padded

Has anyone gone out padded?

I have went out once with a padded belly and I felt more comfortable since we have a mask mandate. I’m hoping to try again soon.

Done it a few times, and learned some interesting things: People are more likely to hold a door open when they see someone who looks like they weigh a quarter of a ton is coming their way, you have to learn the art of 'shopping sideways' because your massive belly will get in the way, and other good things like that.
1 year

Going out padded

Has anyone gone out padded?

I have went out once with a padded belly and I felt more comfortable since we have a mask mandate. I’m hoping to try again soon.

Havent tried it since i like to pad up to an impratical size, I wear a size M t-shirt and pad all the way up to a I dont fit through door size
2 weeks